1. Being snowed in yet again today! :) I have only worked ONE day this entire week (Monday). I love my job, but I'm not gonna lie - I've loved this impromptu week long vacation! People have been complaining about cabin fever, but not me!!! (the only thing that's been hard for me is not being able to go to the gym. Luckily, workout videos on netflix instant play and my brother-in-law's wii fit have sufficed!) I've enjoyed every minute of my snow days :)
2. Yesterday was the first time I ventured out since Monday night and that was only because my girlfriend Erin came and picked me up. Unlike me, she's been suffering from cabin fever BAD. Philip got off work at 5 and we of course had to have dinner at BWW. My husband and I are such nerds when it comes to Buzztime Trivia and you will never believe what an answer for one of the questions was....my boyfriend Matt Bomer!!!!! :)

It was soo funny because I had just got done showing Erin & Philip my last blog post with all his pictures (and reading Philip the comments about what he thought of my crush - really it's full blown obsession with Matt!). Not too long after the question came up and I was just giggled with delight! I even called Micaela to tell her! To which my Erin said "You are OUTTA CONTROL!" hahaha
3. Speaking of Erin....the biggest Packers fan I know, brings me to the fact that I'm in love that it's SUPER BOWL WEEKEND!!!!! And how cool is it that this year it will be taking place in our great state of Texas! :) Only two hours away from me :)

4. French films. Aside from Amélie I've also watched

Damaged people are dangerous, they know they can survive.
5. Today marks a month since I have had any kind of a chocolate! An entire month! And you wouldn't believe the amount of sheer will power it took me to accomplish this dessert, chocolate free fast. Especially when every cookie, brownie and candy bar felt like it was taunting me like this
Tomorrow my sister-in-law is throwing her husband a suprise party for his big 5-0 and I think my first indulgence back into the land of sweets will be with birthday cake and I absolutely cannot wait! :)
What are you loving this Friday? I hope you all enjoy your weekend! I know I am certainly going to enjoy my last days of freedom until I get back to the daily grind on Monday (ugh that's going to be so hard!!! I am already dreading it! haha)
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