My heart broke when I realized I was never going to get on that stage. I started bawling right then and there. I tried to make a mad dash to the loo so that I wouldn't be standing there crying like a baby in front of everyone. As fate would have it they had just mopped the floors of the bathroom and so at first the cleaning lady was not going to let me go in. That's when I begged her and she sweetly obliged me. She even gave me a hug because she could see how upset I was. Don't you love the random acts of kindness of complete strangers? :) Finally I composed myself and Philip was waiting for me with open arms. He felt so bad because I had been SO excited and he knew how much meeting Shawn would mean to me. Isn't he such a sweet husband? Despite not actually getting to meet Shawn, I am still really glad we went. It was just so AMAZING to see him! Here are a couple of photos:

*Philip & I before we hit the road to Dallas
The man of my dreams:
*When Micaela and I were growing up our mother styled our hair like the little girl in this picture :) I loved seeing Shawn with all the kiddos, he was sooooo sweet!!!
It was really so hard for me to be this close to him and not get to actually meet him. You have to know me to know how much Shawn Michaels has meant in my life. I sound like a huge dork and overly dramatic to a lot of you I'm sure :) But it's true! After awhile it was much too hard for me to see all the happy and excited faces of the people in line knowing they were going to meet him. I was so jealous seeing them hug him knowing I wasn't going to be able to. I had to ask Philip to take me out of there because I was just going to lose it! :( So I put my sunglasses on inside the building while Philip held my hand tight and led me through the crowd to leave. I was sobbing so hard I was hiccupping!!! And Philip, bless his heart, was just as kind and gentle as could be trying to console me :) Because of him I ended up having a pretty perfect day. I am so blessed to have such an amazing man for a husband; to love me despite an HBK obsession that started in early adolescence and has continued to today :) What can I say? I love long, I love loyally and I love hard! :)
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