1. I am a Christian. A wife. A twin sister. A mama's girl. An Anglophile. A gym bunny.
2. The bravest thing I've ever done was finally learning how to swim at 21! In college I took swimming lessons with one of my best girlfriends at the YMCA. In an effort to get me over my fear of the water, the instructor wanted me to jump into the deep end and he would catch me. I was TERRIFIED!!! I was always so embarrassed never knowing how to do something that felt so natural to other people. The day I swam across the entire length of the pool was one I'll never forget :)
3. I feel prettiest when he looks at me in just that way, that way where he can't take his eyes off me. It's exhilarating!
4. Something that keeps me awake at night is wanting to catch up on blogs, Netflix / the telly, my own internal clock - I am a night owl through and through .
5. My favorite meal in the entire world is anything that is prepared by my mom's hands. She is the best cook in the entire world! I go to her house every day to have lunch with my parents. Do you know spoiled I am to be able to go over there and have a hot meal cooked and ready for me at lunch time? It's bliss! :)
6. The way to my heart is having chest hair haha .
7. I would like to see Big Ben again soon!

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