
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Cup Runneth Over

That's what I told twinkie yesterday :) My Valentine's Day was absolutely perfect. As I sat across from my husband over our steak dinner I just felt deliriously happy. After we ate my Valentine treated me to a little Shakespeare:
I absolutely LOVE James McAvoy, like REALLY love!!!
And just like Karina and I have heavily discussed, he's even delicious in cartoon Gnome form :) This cartoon is so, so adorable! Seriously go see it if you haven't already :) You'll love it!! Another man I find irresistible is this one:
His music makes this cartoon even more fun! I was tapping my fingers along to some of his greatest songs last night :)

But back to my main man! Four years ago Philip became my husband. We celebrated our wedding anniversary last Thursday. I first fell in love with him when I was 17. After nearly a decade together (we celebrate our 10 years together this August) he is still the one. I am sure we are all lovey doveyed out from Valentine's Day so I will spare you the mushy details. I thought I might share some random photos of us instead. In no particular order:

My cup runneth over....

I loved all the warm love day messages I recieved from friends and family (sweet texts from so many of you!) A Valentine's call from Germany from my sweet, sweet handsome nephew Mikey and beautiful niece Milen, A bbm from across the pond and even a complete stranger when I dialed the wrong number at work. The little old lady that answered the phone was so dear and when I apologized and was saying bye she goes "ohhhh wait! And Happy Valentine's Day!!" It was sooo sweet that I emailed my bff Steph right then and there to tell her about it :)

Oh Love, ain't it grand?! :)


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