TGIF!!! Which means another round of Sweet Summer'sFriday, I'm in love series!

1. My BFF & her handsome boys.
Her oldest Gage is turning 15 and to celebrate my amazing BFF has reserved us some hotel rooms for the weekend. The hotel is beautiful and we will have a 2 bedroom suite complete with kitchen and living room so the adults can have our own party while the boys are partying :)

One thing Steph loves most is horror films, Stephen King novels and ghost stories. So taking after his mom, Gage wants to go check out some local places that are said to be haunted tonight!!!! I on the other hand am a chicken and have been known to get the crap scared out of me by Steph's older sister Leah. Still, it is fun to scare yourself isn't it? :) I can't wait for this much needed time with my BFF :) Thank you Steph for this little mini vacation! :) You're amazing! We are going to have a blast!! See you in a couple of hours ;)
Jess and I went to college together and from the very first time I met her in our Spanish class I have loved her! She is combining her love of etsy and snail mail in a fantastic swap. Make sure to "Stay Handmade" by signing up before March 7th (my birthday!!) to join.
3. Christy B. of Life as a new Mrs. -AGAIN
I love this gal!!! You can imagine how happy I was to hop over to her blog this morning to see yours truly listed as the blog she was crushin' on this week! :) Thank you love for making my day with your kind words!!! I'm crushin' on you too ;)

4. My mom the facebooker :) Before my brother Marco gave my mom an iPad for her birthday last year, she did not know one thing about the computer. My mom never worked and has been a homemaker my whole life. So when she learned how to facebook we were so amazed! Now when I call her while I'm at work just to see what she's doing, she'll say she's on her facebook haha Late last night she called me SUPER excited because she had reconnected with a friend of hers from high school via facebook. What made her even happier was that her friend had a photo of them on her facebook from when they were in high school!!!! My mom's family was poor growing up and so naturally did not have a camera. As a result, my mom has virtually no photos of her childhood or of her growing up in the Philippines. So this photo means SO much not only to her, but to us as well. I love, love, love getting to see my mom as a teenager :)

*That's my beautiful mom second from the left :) I love short hair and the bob is one of my favourite hair styles ever so I love this photo :)
I love how excited she was when she called me. She loves her facebook even more now! haha
5. My new heels!! Yep, that's right real bona fide heels! Not kitten heels, big girl heels :) Well at least for me anyway!! haha :) Unlike my twinkie who loves heels, I avoid them at all costs. Why? Because I cannot walk in them!!! I have never mastered the feminine art of walking in high heels. I have decided to face my fear of falling flat on my bum and finally learn. It was one of my New Year's resolutions actually! So when I saw these

while shopping with my girlfriends Erin & Ashleigh last weekend I had to get them. Because of the colour they make my legs look longer and strong! I still have yet to wear them out, but I can't wait :)
Happy Friday darlings!! Hope you all have a lovely and amazing weekend!!!! :) I can't wait to hear all about them! xo
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