
Friday, July 9, 2010

The Joy of being an Auntie :)

As the proud auntie of three beautiful nieces and one very handsome nephew, I thought I'd show them off :) Here are the loves of my life -

*My nephew Mikey and I reunited after FOUR years apart. I just LOVE the arrivals gate! The moment I saw him was sheer happiness!
*Sophia & Milen. I loved watching the cousins interact with each other. They love each other so much!
*My Mikey - who is such a good sport about being the only boy :)
*Marina and Milen in a Walmart shopping cart
One night we had a sleepover at my house. We put two twin size mattresses on the living room floor and had so much fun playing Wii and eating junk food. I loved having all the kiddos over!
*Philip, our little chihuahua Logan and the girls. The kids looooved Logan!
*Sophia holding my Babs Bunny
They all usually wake up REALLY early - but that morning they slept in and were snoring when I left for work. They were SO tired from all the fun they had that day at Jump for Joy, the bbq and swimming at Matt's house (my seester Maddie's boyfriend) and then staying up late playing.

Oh how I love being an auntie!!! I miss Marina & Sophia SO much! I'm so thankful to have Mikey & Milen a little longer :) I'm thankful it's Friday and look forward to this weekend with them. Hope everyone has an amazing one!


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