
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Eye Candy for your Tuesday

Claire wrote about how TV shows can be a most welcomed distraction in times of stress or sorrow and I couldn't agree more. I'll never forget the comic relief "Friends" provided once during a scary time for Philip & I while he was in the hospital. Claire asked what everyone was watching on TV these days and I am completely into "White Collar."
The second season started two weeks ago and it's SOOOO good. So witty in that "Ocean's 11" and "Catch Me If You Can" sense. My most favourite part about the show is the handsome, charming Neal Caffrey (played by the very beautiful Matt Bomer) who plays the convicted con man of all con mans. I am COMPLETELY smitten with him!! I haven't had a crush on a TV character this bad since Denny Duquette on "Grey's Anatomy." He is SO beautiful, so smart, so charming. Thought I would share some eye candy for your Tuesday:

Isn't he sexy? :) Can't wait for the new episode tonight!!!


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