
Monday, October 25, 2010

Circle of Hope Aids 5K 10-23-10

This past Saturday I participated in my second 5K! :) My friend (and Twinkie's bff) Maria and I ran in the Circle of Hope AIDS run. That morning I woke up to thunder and lightening and was SO bummed because I thought for sure they were going to cancel the event. My dad was a volunteer and had to be there at 6:30 AM so he called me to keep me posted on the weather. As long as the lightening stopped, the event would go as planned.
I wore my Elton John shirt in honour of his AIDS foundation :) I LOVE me some Sir Elton!
So hopeful and excited for the event! I was praying it would stop raining so I wouldn't have soggy running shoes!

Luckily my dad called me around 7:30 AM to say it was going to go as planned just with a delay. I was SO glad because I had been really looking forward to it! As I drove up to the event I kept thinking "there is no way we are going to be able to run in this!" I mean it was POURING rain!!! And it was FREEZING!!!! It was a genuine thunderstorm!
I'm good despite being drenched!
Me and the best volunteer - my dad! :) Pre-Race
Maria was smart and wore a hat and a hooded jacket - me not so much. I wore a sweat band! Luckily I stole my dad's Vietnam Veteran hat! :) I was SO thankful for it because it kept the rain out of my face!!
Almost to the finish line!!! :) As you can see it did end up clearing up towards the end of our 3 miles.
We did it!!! :) SOAKED running shoes and all! :) We were DRENCHED!
My biggest supporter :) He was so proud of us being troopers and running in the rain!

With our medals!! Maria came in 1st and I came in 2nd for the women :) We finished in 27 minutes! I can hardly believe our time!!! I love it because they had us put an electronic tag on our shoelaces so when we crossed the finish line and stepped on this mat, it automatically recorded our time :) I think we finished quickly because the weather was just THAT miserable! :)

With our door prizes! :)
Afterwards we all went and ate at IHOP. We met Maria's sister and niece there. Breakfast of champions! :) Maria and I went shopping afterwards (still wearing our soggy clothes, it's a wonder I didn't get sick!) and we never once took off our medals :) We were so proud!

I'm proud to say my second 5K was a success and just as fun despite the horrible weather conditions! :) I'm so happy to take part in something so important!!! I remember reading Ryan White's biography growing up and just being SO moved and incredibly saddened by his struggle with AIDS and the discrimination he faced. I feel so bad that the turnout at the race was not what it should have been because the weather kept a lot of people away. I'm so glad Maria and I were troopers and braved mother nature because it felt SO good afterwards knowing we did something to help others out!


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