
Monday, June 14, 2010

Wonderful Weekend

I had a really wonderful weekend! Saturday was especially fun - I woke up bright and early and hit some garage sales with my mom. It's one of our favourite things to do. I always LOVE finding good books. I couldn't wait to watch the England vs USA game. You know how much of a hard core lover of London I am and that covers all things British - so naturally I am sweet on British men :) There's something about that accent....We went to Cameron and Amanda's house for a World Cup party. Cameron is a huge football fan. He knows everything about the sport so it was a lot of fun to watch it with him. I got a little ribbing for wearing an England shirt - but they all know it's in good fun and I would have loved if the USA had won either way.

After the game I relaxed pool side at my friend Erin's house. It was perfect weather that day and it felt amazing. Usually the Texas heat is suffocating, but there was actually a breeze. That was followed by meeting back up with Philip and our friend Joe at our favourite hang out Buffalo Wild Wings for the UFC pay-per-view. Yes, believe it or not I do watch UFC as violent and hard to watch as it can be sometimes. I'm not addicted to it like I am with WWE Wrestling, but we do generally watch the pay-per-view matches. I love Rich Franklin - I think it has something to do with the fact he was a high school teacher before he got into the UFC (that and he's dreamy :)By the time his match was over I was ready to crash I was so exhausted. I had literally been on the go all day, but it was def. worth it. So Sunday I was committed to having a relaxing day. Watching movies on a lazy Sunday afternoon is what I love best. Mom and I watched "New York, I Love You" and it made me think of Ezgi because of her love for this city.
Has anyone seen it? I'm curious to know what you thought of it. It was an okay movie to watch once and some of the stories (it's a movie that's made up of a couple of short stories all put together) really touched me. If you have seen it I loved the story of Orlando Bloom's character and Robin Wright Penn's story touched my heart. She's just beautiful period. I loved her in "Message in a Bottle" (also one of my favourite books by Nicholas Sparks. The main character's name is Garrett and I have always loved that name for a boy if I ever have a son.
After the first movie I took a swim break with Philip and went to Erin's again. Afterwards we treated ourselves to a snow cone (lime is my favourite flavour). Then I went back to my mom's for part 2 of our movie date. We watched an old one we had seen before
It's a bit of a cheesy - made for tv drama - something you would prob see on Lifetime, but it's actually pretty good. You can see a young Jim Carrey in a dramatic role (did you know he is SO good at serious roles? I mean even before "Eternal Sunshine" came out - he was really talented in this genre!) When I was younger I was in LOVE with William McNamara! He's kinda like Jake Ryan from "16 Candles" - the heartthrob who just kinda disappeared. I should prob google McNamara and see what he's up to these days ha
My mom said he had that "cute boy band look" - maybe that's why I was crushing on him when I was younger. I did love those boy bands!
The weekend went by entirely too quickly, but I'm counting the days until Thursday and hoping the next two weeks go by quickly so I can see my darling nieces and nephew. I love being an auntie! :) Hope your weekend was just as enjoyable!


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