
Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's Game Day!

My husband is ADDICTED to Football. When we first began dating I dreaded football season. Dreaded it with a passion, because it meant the TV set would permanently be on a game and I would become a "football widow." Sundays were the worst, because at least on Mondays I would watch WWE Monday night RAW while he watched his Monday night football. As the years passed I began to embrace his passion for the sport. I picked out my favourite football player (I loooooooove me some SEXY Terrell Owens! Say what you want to say, (I seem to be a fan of loving controversial people - Mel Gibson, Britney Spears etc.) but I love this man! Soon I began to enjoy and look forward to watching the games with Philip.
Tonight I'll be thinking of my twinkie (she has always had a love for sports!) as I watch the Cowboys game on television knowing she'll be cheering like crazy because she'll actually be there at the game. LUCKY girl! She has always wanted to go to a game and her sweet Chippy is making her dream come true :) I'm SO happy for her!
So come one boys!!! Let's pull a win for our girl Micaela :)


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