Did any of you stay up late or set your alarms to see the lunar eclipse last night? I am SO fascinated by astronomy (maybe it has something to do with my nickname Marz? ha) that I wanted to make sure I witnessed something that doesn't happen every day. My husband works retail and during the holidays that comes with crazy hours. He had to be at work at 4 AM this morning! So our alarm went off at 2:45 AM. He got up and jumped in the shower. I got up and made my way outside. Alone. In the dark and cold. And in the quiet I got scared as I looked up at the moon!! You know when you freak yourself out? I completely did that. It felt erie for some reason and I thought for sure I would see something I'm not supposed to see. I don't know maybe like the cornfield scene in Signs?!?!?!

*Have I mentioned how much I looooove Mel?!?
I'm serious, I spooked myself out so bad that I had to run back into the house. When Philip got out of the shower we both went outside (but not after he made fun of me of course!) I snapped this photo of the moon a little after 3 AM last night.

*It was so beautiful and so neat!
As he got ready I was willing myself to fall back asleep before he left for work. And of course I didn't. And of course I couldn't go back to sleep right away because I just KNEW there was going to be a freaking alien at the foot of my bed! That an alien saw me looking at the moon and so naturally knew I was awake and now alone...oh em gee I was SPOOKED haha I laugh about it now and feel silly for being so scared, but at the time I really was terrified! haha So glad I had our sweet dog Logan in the bed with me :)
Okay so I can't bring up Mel and not profess my unyielding love for him. Those who know me, know exactly how I feel about this AMAZING man. Including our Jess. This sweet girl sent me a postcard to thank me for guest blogging while she was on her great desert vacation with her love. And guess who should grace the front of the pc?


And the funny thing was I had just talked about Mel that day. I had flipped through People magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive" Ryan Reynolds issue and was furious about this:

*I will love you my whole life, you and no other forever - Marriage vow from Braveheart
Speaking of Braveheart....which is ultimately one of my most favourite movies ever....
*My bff Steph gave me the above postcard. Talk about SEXY! She also gave me a Dirty Dancing one too :) love ya bff!!!
You know what movie makes me think of Christmas? "Lethal Weapon." As funny as that might sound it truly does because it takes place during the holiday. I have always, always envied the actress who played Murtough's daughter who had a crush on my sexy & crazy Riggs :)

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