She is so dear to me. This thoughtful girl sent me a gift even though it's HER birthday!!!! (and for the record this is not the first time she has spoiled me as you can see here) One of the things you will see from her amazing blog, is her love for traveling. I always get serious wanderlust and vacation envy when I hear about all the gorgeous places Leesh and her hubby have had the pleasure of visiting. If you want to escape to somewhere beautiful you can live vicariously through her adventures on her and her hubby's travel blog Beach Junkies. While on her recent trip to San Fransico they stopped by the aquarium to see the seahorse exhibit. Knowing my obsession with seahorses, Leesh was kind enough to think of me because she knew I would have loved it! These sweet fellas were waiting for me in my mail earlier this week:How sweet to be spoiling me when she's the one with the birthday! Thank you Leesh for the sweet gift! It warms my heart to think that you would think of me while on your trip. Thanks for making me feel SO special yet again!
I hope today was wonderful despite your mid week busy work day birthday, but I know you will have an amazing time this weekend celebrating with your loved ones! May ALL your wishes come true darling! xo
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