For our work Christmas party we had to write a letter to Santa and tell him what we wanted for Christmas and how we've been good this year. I thought I'd share mine with you:
Here's the envelope:

Yes I even sealed it with a kiss or two :)

We had a lot of fun working on these and having our boss read them aloud at the party :) I have to tell you I work with some really creative people and some very talented graphic artists and web developers so you should have seen some of their packaging (including a real scroll with a letter that rhymed and a wax seal on a beautiful card that folded out and had a cut out snowflake design) but I'm just a media buyer so my stationary was about as creative as I got :) All of our names got put into a drawing and the lucky person whose name got picked iPad!!! I wish I could tell you that I won...but alas I am never that lucky. My co-worker John claimed the special price! (We're all completely jealous!)
We had such a great time tonight! I am very blessed to work with an amazing group of people. I love my boss and my wonderful co-workers and enjoy work even when it's crazy like it has been because of these people :)
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