
Monday, November 15, 2010

You SPIN Me Round (Like a Record)!!!

This past Saturay I participated in the Gold's Gym Tour de Cure. It was a 3 hour Spin-A-Thon to raise much needed funds & awareness for the American Diabetes Association and the fight against diabetes.
*Excuse my lazy eye :) haha have NO idea why it's lazy, it's not usually. Perhaps it was tired due to spinning? hahaha :)
At the end of the last hour there was only three people left in the saddle, two other men and myself. I can't tell you how proud I was after it was all done! To have stuck it through to the very end! That last thirty mintues was tough, we had been spinning from 5-8pm (of course we had breaks after each hour to refuel on fruits, stretch and to let some people some people come and go). Spinning is tough. Micaela first introduced me to it and I remember exactly how badly it hurt and how I just never thought I would EVER get the hang of it. And here I am finishing a spin-a-thon :)
Today at work I was SO sleepy because last night we went out to celebrate an old friend's birthday. I worked at JC Penney for 7 years. While there I met some of the people I'm closest to (my husband and my bff Steph to name a few). These girls use to be some of my closest friends:
*The old JCP crew: Mandi, Evelyn me and the birthday girl Crystal
It absolutely did my heart good to see Evelyn. She was one of my closest confidants! She is the sweetest and most thoughtful person and I don't get to see her nearly enough. Her daughter Lilly is just as sweet :) She invited me to her birthday party next weekend (she's turning 14, I remember when she was 7!) I can't wait to spend time with both of them!

*Philip & Me

Crazy to be partying like that on a Sunday night when I have work at 8 AM the next day, but it was fun spending time with some old friends. I hope everyone had a fun weekend! :)


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