
Monday, November 22, 2010

Weekend Update

For once I am not even that sad that today is Monday. It has something to do with this being a short week thanks to the holiday and for having a short day today for me (I'm leaving the office at 3 PM to participate in my alma mater's annual Turkey Trot 5K!) But I'm thinking more than that it's because my twinkie and her extended family the Maxham's are en route to Texas right now as I type! Please say a little prayer for their safe travels! Every minute brings her closer to home and that makes me immensely happy!!! They should arrive tomorrow (they'll stop overnight) and I can't wait to hug her :) I loooove the feeling of anticipation when you're really excited for something. Just like a kid at Christmas :)

I had a really nice weekend! Friday night was nice and relaxing. I had a movie date with my mom. I FINALLY watched "Seven Pounds." I've been wanting to watch it FOREVER, but just never got around to it. A conversation over movies at lunch that day brought the movie back to my thoughts when my co-worker John suggested I see it. I love, love, loved this movie!! It had such a deep impact on me that I continued to think of it after it was over. I still thought about it the next day. Will Smith is amazing isn't he?! I bawled through much of the movie. Especially during a certain part (The "What If" game for those of you who have seen it). Amazing movie.

Saturday my mom and I went shopping and ran a bunch of errands which resulted in me tearing up at a certain bakery ;) That night my friend Evelyn's beautiful daughter Lilly had her 14th birthday and kindly invited me (so I guess I'm still considered cool thank God! haha). So I got to hang out with her and three other teenage girls and listen to their girly banter over the cutest boys in school and the hottest trends while we all pigged out on junk food haha I loved it! Brought back lots of memories for me :) And I loved getting to spend time with her mom, one of my dearest friends and the rest of their family.
*Me and the beautiful birthday girl! I just can't believe how much Lilly has grown! I remember when she was 7!

Sunday we had a great time at our church's Thanksgiving luncheon.
Okay, I ate so much I couldn't breathe! That was followed by cheering on our Cowboys (who won and won BIG! ya!!!! :) Did you guys watch the AMA's?! I have been looking forward to the NKOTB & BSB performance for WEEKS! And it was just as amazing as I knew it was going to be :)

I love, love, love and will ALWAYS love boybands. I'm such a teeny bopper! I sang along to all the songs they performed last night. I am SO going to that concert this summer. My sisters and I already planned on it :) Twinkie will fly in to Dallas that night and we will pick her up and go to the concert from the airport haha I will love Jordan Knight forever :) The NKOTB concert we went to a couple years ago was AMAZING! Unfortunately my favourite BSB was Kevin, who decided not to rejoin the group :( But that's okay, Brian was my second fave haha Tell me you guys are JUST as excited as I am about this tour? :) If only I could go see Take That on tour :( I would def. pee in my pants if I ever got the chance :) They will forever be my favourite and ultimate boyband! :)
*I love you Gary Barlow! (second from the left for those of you who aren't familiar) Sexiest man in the world :)

Sunday night my HP addicted husband & I went to the 10:20 showing. I was SOOO excited!! I get chills every time the movie starts and you hear the theme music. We had been waiting to see it and really wanted to go to the midnight showing on Thursday. I'm SO glad we waited because there was virtually no one in the theatre :) We had it pretty much to ourselves! And it was AHHH-MAZING!!!!
*Photo taken on my mobile, sorry so dark!

I won't say anything more for the sake of those who have yet to see it, but that I absolutely loved every second of it. I love the magic of it all!!!

Perfect end to a perfect weekend! Or perfect start to an even more amazing week :) I can't wait for the rest of the week's celebrations! :)


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