Yesterday I went to go get our mail at work for the first time since we've moved into our new office building. Remember me saying that yesterday was just one of those days? Well when I went to grab the mail I some how ended up pushing all our mail all the way back and the way our mailboxes are set up, there is no wall at the back of the mail deal (didn't know that!). It just falls into the locked room that the mailman only has access to in order to put all the mail for the building in. So needless to say I felt like a dork coming back to the office telling everyone what I had done (which amused the heck out of them haha we all had a good laugh) I swear only me lol :) Well I left a note for the mailman and look at what he wrote back:

Isn't that cute? Gave me a little smile :)
By the way, at my old office I was smitten with our substitute (he only came round when our regular postman was out) mailman - oh man, oh man he was a cutie!! Such a cutie I even told Ezgi all the way in London about him :) haha My bff Steph worked downtown as well and so we had the same delivery men and we'd exchange emails of our eye candy sightings (the FedEx *who her co-workers dubbed FedSex ahaha* guy was more to her liking!). And there was another FedEx guy *not FedSex lol* whose chest hair I was in LOVE with. Yes, just his chest hair. He wore a gold chain the way only European men can - you know how Italian men can wear jewelry and STILL look good? - and oh how I loved seeing his chest hair peeking out at me as I signed the confirmation slip. I am definitely going to miss the postal workers from downtown! ha
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