It's a lazy Sunday and I'm flipping through the channels and am estatic that "Lethal Weapon 4" is on. I have been Mel Gibson spoiled this past week. Mel is one of the greatest loves of my life :) (Yes, I know all about his drunk rants and DUI trouble - but despite his odd behaviour at times he will always have a special place in my heart...come to think of it, another great love of my life is Britney and we all know she has had her bizarre moments...but true love loves no matter what :)
Friday night I watched "Ransom" on TNT and Monday night my mom and I rented his latest "Edge of Darkness." Intense movie!!! It's a bit too violent for me - I texted Micaela a couple of scenes into the movie to warn her that it was prob too violent for her and she prob couldn't handle it. We don't do well when it comes violent movies - in college we had to take a film class and we studied Martin Scorsese's innovative filming techniques. Micaela had a bit of a crush on our professor and so we sat in the very front row. You should have seen us when we had to watch "Goodfellas." You would have sworn we were watching a scary movie because we were covering our eyes and hiding behind sweaters during parts of it. Micaela is the worst when it comes to watching these type of movies - she just can't watch them at
all. I at least give them a try :)

My all time favourite Mel movie (up until I saw Braveheart at least) is def. "Bird on a Wire." I could watch that movie over and over. Hearing Mel say my name....I'm so glad the writers decide to name Goldie's character "Marianne." :)

A postcrossing that came in this week also had a Mel Gibson connection.
Isn't Avoca Beach simply gorgeous?! I imagine all of Austrailia to be this beautiful! Can you imagine Pamela lives 20 minutes from this beautiful beach? She was a lifeguard there when she was a teenager. I love when people share these little tidbits. She wrote the nicest message - including her connection to my Mel Gibson! :) She had read my blog and so she saw Mel was one of my crushes. Pamela is friends with Mel Gibson's neice! How cool is that? :)
Oh Mel - you get me EVERY time :)
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