I was called that today at the gym. My twinkie's bff Maria practically had to drag me out of there after our spin class because I would have kept on talking. I have really enjoyed the aquaintances I have made at the gym of all places. We don't hang out outside of that building, but everytime we meet we ask each other how things are going in work and in life. I look forward to seeing them after a long day at work.
After Micaela moved away I lost my perfect work out partner who I could always count on to keep me accountable. Maria doesn't get to go that often because she works two jobs. So these people who I would not normaly hang out with otherwise because they are much older than me with grown children (some whose children are my age) have become that person for me. And I love that on Tuesdays in my normal spin class I can count on my sweet instructor to play not just one, but TWO sometimes THREE Britney songs just for me! And the older man who hates it, will joke with me everytime Britney comes on :)
I really wanted to play along with the 30 Day challenge that
Jess and
Steph are doing, but I just don't think I can do it. I want to, but I think I'm going to bend the rules and pick and choose which questions I can answer :) Me - the "rebel" in disguise :) But one challenege I am SO proud I can say I've stuck to is my challenge to exercise regularly. I've been so completely dedicated in this personal challenge to myself. I'm so protective of my "me" time at the gym. Nothing gets in the way of that time. I've also stayed true to the challenge of giving up beer. This Texas girl once loved her Bud Light - maybe a little tooooo much haha, but I haven't had a sip of it since St. Patrick's Day. Sticking to it makes me feel good. Just as good as a Britney song! So after a hard work out when someone says "See you tomorrow!" I look forward to it :)

p.s. I'm watching bits and pieces of one of my favourite movies of all time "Braveheart." I'm about to have to turn off my darling Mel (who I will stay FOREVER loyal to despite his crazy personal life - hey we all crack. We all have our problems and our not so sane moments, but we don't have to live them out in the tabloids so cut my honey some slack haha) fantasy and get tuned in to my Neal Caffrey fantasy! Philip and I record it so we can watch the entire episode sans commercials (I know, I know this coming from a media buyer in advertising! haha but when that's all you think about during the day - you HAVE to get away from work related things! haha)

I have had an AMAZING day by the way - just had to put that out there :)