“Only an Aunt can give hugs like a mother, can keep secrets like a sister, and share love like a friend.”~ Spanish Proverb
I'm thankful for the relationships I have had with my aunties and am blessed to have the same type with my own nieces and nephews despite time and distance.
I sang along to all the songs - "Pure Imagination" being my favourite! I get goose bumps every time I hear it! Luckily AT&T is using it in one of their commercials so I get to hear it often :) And Micaela's favourite "The Candy Man":) We had such a good time!!! I'm so glad she came just in time to see it - we caught the very last show!
Sunday we went to church with our family and ate at one of our favourite places - the Jalapeno Tree in honour of our amazing dad on Father's Day. I love my dad so much and am so blessed to have him in my life. So many of the Postsecrets this week were so heartbreaking. I loved this one the most because I truly feel this way:We intended to be lazy and finish catching up on Grey's when I got a desprate call from my Lauren asking for our help. Her sister Mehle and her (two of my very best friends) are in the process of moving into each of their own places (so proud of Mehle - she is now a homeowner! and proud of Lo for her super cute duplex all on her own!). Mehle helped Micaela in one of her many moves so we were happy to return the favour. It was actually a bit fun being with our best gals :) You should have seen us try and figure out how to move a huge sleeper sectional out of the living room and through the door. It was a sight to see - even though it was a bit frustrating in the Texas heat we were cracking up!! Then getting it into the bed of Mehle's truck to drive it to it's new home which just happened to be my bff Steph's house - well that was a whole other ordeal! Added bonus: we worked off our huge lunch with all the heavy lifting and sweating we did! It was nice to spend time with our best girls :)
I FINALLY finsished all of "Grey's Anatomy" season 5. I BAWLED and BAWLED watching it! Especially the season finale :( Now I have to watch all of season 6 online so I can be completely caught up :) I can't wait to start! I don't know how I got so far behind and I'm glad I never gave up on this AMAZING show :) LOVE it!