Friday, April 30, 2010
Fill in the Blanks
1. My absolute favorite movie of all time is "Four Weddings & A Funeral." In fact I have just come home from the bar and popped it in to watch as I play on the computer before I even saw the Fill in the Blanks topic! Besides the obvious - Hugh Grant - I simply love their friendships and their search for love.
2. My favorite movie as a child was "Labyrinth." I desperately wanted to be Sarah dancing with the Goblin King to "As the World Falls Down" at the masquerade ball. LOVE Bowie and his package in that movie haha :) "Dance Magic Dance..."
3. The best movie quote ever is "This Kind of Certainty comes but once in a lifetime" Bridges of Madison County
4. My favorite actress is Kate Winslet - I love her in everything (esp. Sense & Sensibility and of course she was amazing as Rose! :) My favorite actor is Hugh Grant. I love all his movies!
5. The movie I could watch over and over is "Notting Hill." Again - another Hugh Grant movie! I LOOOVE the garden scene and I especially love at the end when she is asked how long she intends to stay in Britain and she looks at him for reasurance and then she answers "Indefinitely." *sigh*
6. My favorite movie genre is romantic comedies without a doubt.
7. A movie I'd like to watch this weekend I actually watched earlier tonight - The New Nightmare on Elm Street!! And it was such a good remake!! Seriously way better than I was expecting. I was really pleased they didn't mess up a good thing - good in the way that Freddy Krueger scared the crap out of me when I was little. In the 3rd one "Dream Warriors" the puppet scene scared me so bad that to this day I cannot sleep on my back!!! I'm not a big fan of horror films but I just had to see it for nostalgic purposes And yes, he's still as scary as he ever was!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
My Crushes

*Oh Robert Redford - it doesn't get any better than him does it? Classicly SEXY! Micaela and I went to see him speak in Dallas and it was AMAZING to know we were in the same room with this wonderful man
*Tom Cruise - You have my heart forever. Before Edward Cullen you made Vampires SOOO sexy and erotic as your wonderful performance of Lestat

*Since she came on the scene I have been completely OBSESSED with Britney Spears. She is my ULTIMATE girl fantasy!! I have never stopped loving Brit Brit from day 1 - even when she went through her crazy shaved head and mental hopsital spells - I have continued to be loyal. My love for her is real :) Seeing her in concert twice last year was a dream come true!!!! I really really really LOVE her! :)

*I love Victoria Beckham. She was always my favourite Spice Girl and I wil always love her!

*Oh Kate Winslet is just dazzling!
*Keanu Reeves - I went through a really big Keanu phase - still so Beautiful

*Jennifer Connelly - ever since she was "Sarah" in Laybrinth. I wanted to be here dancing with Jareth at the Masquerade
*Simon Baker - I just want to run my hands through his hair! So sexy!

*Micaela has always fancied Kim Kardashian and my mom is just obsessed with her reality show and she always says she never gets tired of looking at her she's so beautiful!!! The girl has the sexiest curves!

*of course what list of Beautiful People would be complete without Robert Pattinson. I'll admit it took me awhile to find him irresistible - it took reading the books FINALLY after much convincing on alot of people's parts haha thank God for their persistance. You can't help but want someone to love you the way Edward loves Bella - that's what make him COMPLETELY irresistible - the British accent sure doesn't hurt either hahaha :)
Oh man I LOVE to love :) I know I prob overlooked some of my favourites - but for sure I love all of the above :)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Postcards to Mandy

Monday, April 26, 2010
Lost at Sea

*image via Le Love
Antique Shop Finds

Another thing I found was a mat of London. It's a print on what looks like corkboard. It still had an old plastic covering it with the Souvenir of London sticker. I think I'll take it out since it's torn and frame it for my living room. One of these days when my house is clean (haha I am not the best housewife truth be told!) I'll take photos of my London collection for you to see :) I LOVE Trafalgar Square SO much! Def. one of my favourite bits of London :)

I was SO glad to find these little treasures!

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Arrivals Gate
But my sweet, sweet David Archuleta performed. I looooooooove this boy (yes I know he is just a boy ha). My family and I have always been big American Idol fans. Every Tues & Weds I go to my mom's house to have dinner and watch Idol together. No other season compares to season 7 when Archie was on. I was SMITTEN with him. I just knew he was going to win it all. That was the only time I ever voted too haha His voice is just SOOO beautiful!!! I even went to go see the Top 10 go on tour that summer in Dallas because I just HAD to see Archie :) I looooove him! I love how humble he is - he's just such a cutie!
Sundays are perfect for being lazy and spending time with your family and that's exactly what I did today. I went to church and after a big lunch with my parents, took a big nap :) Until my younger seester Madeline woke me up when she came over. We watched "The Lovely Bones." I always wanted to read the book but never got around to it. I heard a lot of people say negative things about the movie, but I just loved it. It's so sad and beautifully told. Of course I cried my eyes out!
I love movies - I could watch them all day if I could. My whole family is that way. Except my husband. He has to be in the mood to watch a movie or it has to be something he really really wants to see. I have more of a chance to get him to watch a movie with me at the theatre then at home. Getting him to watch a movie at home is like pulling teeth. He would rather flip through the channels. He loves watching TV. We're SO opposite in that way. Like right now - at this moment he's watching "National Treasure" on USA. But if I had suggested to him that we should put in the DVD - then he prob. wouldn't want to watch it. I know strange huh? :) My silly Philip.
My best friend Stephanie LOVES movies as much as I do. We use to watch movies together all the time until her schedule changed at work and she had to be up so early. She's def. my favourite movie date. We could talk about movies for hours. When we are out together somehow our conversation always finds its way to movies :)
Sundays also mean PostSecret. This week I loved

I love airports. Love them. I was a military brat so I grew up everywhere. Fortunately I have been able to do quite a bit of traveling on my own. Everytime I went to the airport to pick up family and friends I always watched as couples reunited at the arrivals gate and secretly wished one day that would be me and somebody would be waiting for me. Luckily I know that feeling. There's nothing like it. When you're walking throught the terminal with butterflies in your stomach because you're about to be reunited. Then that moment you both see each other and you run up to embrace...such bliss! I love it.
When I was coming back from Europe that summer 2006 Philip picked me up at the airport. We had been apart for two and a half months - the longest time we had ever spent apart. When we got to the car I was getting in and he told me how hard being away from each other was and he never wanted to be apart from me again. That's when he asked me to marry him. He proposed in the DFW Airport parking lot. I couldn't believe it was happening! Completely unexpected - It was magical! I remember how excited I was to tell the lady who took our parking stub at the toll booth that I was engaged :)
I get this postsecret. It makes me think of the beginning of "Love Actually" - prob. the only movie I never have to beg Philip to watch. He loves that movie :)
*sorry about the subtitles
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Every girl dreams of being a Princess
I'm a big entertainment news junkie. I love being in the know about celebrities. I love "E!" and I frequent people daily. For as long as I can remember my mother has always subscribed to People Magazine. My dream job (aside from the "Smash Hits" gig) was to write for People. I loved how they combined entertainment with real, heart warming and wrenching articles. I can't wait to get the latest issue
Don't you just love Kate Middleton? I'm not that big into fashion the way my twinkie is. But I do appreciate Kate's simple, classic, elegant style. Princess Diana would have loved her. Kate is def a fashion icon. I love her style! Here are a couple of my favourite looks of this beautiful girl who already looks like a princess
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Hand Made

My second attempt was for my twinkie's bestie Marisa.
When my twinkie moved to VA in the beginning of the year it was unbearable for me. We had never ever been apart in our whole lives. We went to lunch together every day, had the same girlfriends, hung out with our family - we were literally together almost every hour we weren't at our different jobs or at home sleeping in our seperate houses. It was a HUGE transition for me, one I still have a hard time dealing with on bad days or really good days when I just want to see her pretty smile.
So on Valentine's Day my sister's bestie sent us each a Valentine. Her beautiful daughter made us home made cards that were just darling! Marisa sent me and Micaela both a pair of Sara Paloma's Stoneware Wings so that when we put them together they make a perfect match. How perfect and sweet is that? It made us both cry! You can read Micaela's post about it here.

I tried to include things I knew Marisa loves (Mr. Darcy, cuff links, dandelions, photography etc.) with things I love (Seahorse and London). She wrote about the card here and I appreciated her sweet sweet words! She is so kind with the biggest heart. I feel like I know her already because Micaela goes on and on about her every time we talk. I'm so thankful that she has Marisa!
As you can see seahorses and London are going to be a recurring theme because both mean SO much to me. I can't wait to see what my creation will look like for Mandy.